Thursday 30 August 2012

Remote Area Medical

Of course, the British model of universal healthcare, treating all who come, isn't going to suit everybody.
Some areas of the world don't accept the idea that we should all be entitled to universal healthcare, paid for by taxing all those who earn, but of benefit to all, no matter their status.
We believe that access to healthcare should be a right, not a privilege.

 "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", is all very well if you can afford it, but if you can't pay the fees, well, you'll struggle to meet those ideals. You'll be unhappy, and die significantly younger than your more affluent countrymen.

 "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
 "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

RAM's expeditions this year: A=Airborne, D=Dental, M=Medical, Vet=Veterinary, Vis=Vision, W=Women's Health
feb 4-5 Knox County, Knoxville, TN - Jacob Building D, Vis, M, W

March 3-4 Rockbridge Co., Buena Vista, VA - Southern Virginia University D, Vis, M
March 10-11 Rhea Co., Evensville, TN - Rhea County High School D, Vis
March 22-25* Oakland, CA - Oakland Coliseum, East Concourse D, Vis, M
March 30-April 2* Sacramento, CA - Cal Expo, Buildings C & D D, Vis, M

April 13-15 Sullivan County, Bristol, TN - Bristol Motor Speedway D, Vis, M, W

May 19-20 Franklin County, Sewanee, TN - University of the South D, Vis, M, W

June 2-3 Claiborne County, Harrogate, TN - Lincoln Memorial University D, Vis, M, W, Vet June 9-10** Pikeville, KY D, Vis, M July 7-9 Rosebud, South Dakota D, Vis, M

July 12-15 Pine Ridge, South Dakota - For info & to volunteer: e-mail RAM D. Vis, M, July 20-22 Wise County, VA, at the Wise County Fairground D, Vis, M, W
July 23-27 Operation Lonestar - Brownsville, TX For info & to volunteer: e-mail RAM D, Vis, M, W

August 4-5 Jefferson County, Dandridge, TN D, Vis, M, W
August 25-26*** Oklahoma City, OK D, Vis, M

Sept 8-9** Pulaski County, Somerset, KY - Southwestern High School D, Vis, M
Sept. 16-30 Guyana, South America - For info & to volunteer: e-mail RAM D, Vis, M September 22-23 Hamilton County, East Ridge, TN - Camp Jordan D, Vis, M, W

October 6-7 Buchanan County, Grundy, VA D, Vis, M
October 13-21 Siguatepeque, Honduras - For info & to volunteer: e-mail RAM D, Vis, M

Nov 3-4 Pickett County, Byrdstown, TN - Pickett County K-8 D, Vis, M, W
Nov 10 Knoxville Veterans Stand Down D, Vis