Sunday 20 July 2008

Homemade Jamz Blues Band.

Just happened across these guys via the magic of the internet...or Bifurcated Rivets...
Bifurcated posts a delicious selection of "eclectica for epopts". So if you're an epopt short of some eclectica, a visit might be of worth.
The Homemade Jamz Blues Band is a trio of siblings in Tupelo, Kyle, age 14, Taya, 9, and frontman Ryan, 16... So it's a kids band, yeah?
Nope. Not at all, It's a blues band. For people who like to listen to the blues.
Rather than post a youtube... Here's a couple of links, one to their "Myspace" site, listen there...
Oh... and check out their myspace friends-headed by BB King, I see Taj Mahal there, Eric Clapton... Alicia Keys...
Also see them at NPR, and listen to more tracks.
They are in demand, a notable tour schedule... Chicago, Canada, Switzerland, they're good.
And their drummer is nine years old!

Saturday 19 July 2008

"Stuff the Rules of Blogging", I Say.

Sooberkwit here.
I must alopogise, confess, if you like. See, I keep losing my muse and then, sitting at a blank screen, I can't think of anything to say, or at least anything anyone else might be interested to hear.
So I cheat a little and post videos.
And yes, that most recent one, the buzzball, it's been annoying me too.
Now, here and there over the innertent, I keep hearing people tell of "the rules", and they tell of things that you must do, things you must Not do. Well, nobody issued me with a rule book, nor did anyone consult me on the need for rules, so I don't always feel that I need do the obligatory stuff, like, er always commenting on blogs I visit for fear of being labelled a "lurker" In fact, lets hear it for lurkers! I've read many a thousand books, and never once written to an author to praise or kvetch, so does that make me a book lurker?

Anyway. Buzzball. Watch me now as I kill that post. Stone dead. Gone.

F*** the rules. As a boggler, you can kill posts as well as create them. So there.

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