Friday 15 January 2010

Another Day.

I start early, these days, just getting to work is tricky enough, as the salt has run out, roads are not cleared... We're trying to keep our sites cleared, but, well, put it this way, I fall asleep not long after I get home, and I've no energy left to think of anything much.

Recently.... somewhat of a thaw, taking away a lot of snow, then a hard freeze, then rain and freeze again. Imagine a world surfaced with a layer of slippery ice. Ambulance services reported their busiest day in decades on tuesday. I lost count of the people I saw fall, and the cars and vans I saw crash.

And the buses sliding sideways? and the taxi that landed on a factory roof?
Even the highway gritters weren't immune, at least three slid off the road in my area.
Wish me luck, time to do battle with the ice again. Back in ten or twelve hours.

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