I found this via? Anyway
I wish I could recall my tracks across the innertent, I really do... A link somewhere sent me here,
to see pics of a rather colourful "Back to School Knifepack". I think schools should emphasise the need for a set of colour co-ordinated knives, as part of any child's school kit.

The items are sold by Vons, which I understand is Safeway... Hm.. Very safe thinking... Anyway, they're in that safe packaging that lacerates you as you try to open it, unless you have a nice sharp knife from inside the packaging.
The pic linked was in Von's, Yorba Linda.
I have only a vague idea of where Yorba Linda is, without deploying Google earth. California, I think...
White Stripes, Hotel Yorba coming up if I can find it on Too Yube.....
I just resisted the temptation to add Zorba the Greek....
Oh Dammit! alright then....