A slight explanation, found via a reverse image-search: A comment by 'Michael'-
"This was initially built as "The Nine Wheel Harley Rig". It was built
in the late 80′s by Kenneth Kilpatrick of Huntsville Alabama. I see from
this photo It has since been modified to incorporate a second front
wheel making it now ” The Ten Wheel Harley Rig “. The tractor is a
modified Harley Davidson FLT. The interior of the trailer is nicely
finished. Kenneth did receive license from HD to utilize their paint
scheme and logo. I am told, at Harley Davidson’s expense, Kenneth has
been able to show his rig in several countries around the world "
This thing beats me completely. It's a masterpiece of semiotic confusion, I admire, absolutely, the craftsmanship, the effort, the vision, that the maker put into it. But my poor brain bashes against the 'why?', like a moth crashing repeatedly against a lighted window.
I mean, if the guy's a bike freak, he's built something that's not a bike.
If he's a trike freak, well, he's built something that's not a trike.
If he's a semi-trailer freak, he's built something that's not a semi,
If he's a big rig freak, ditto, ditto, ditto.
It's like a Thai tuk-tuk on steroids.
Or a toy truck on pink sparkles.
Or the sort of inexplicable artifact that haunts my more problematic dreams. Hold on... is this real? Am I about to wake?
This thing beats me completely. It's a masterpiece of semiotic confusion, I admire, absolutely, the craftsmanship, the effort, the vision, that the maker put into it. But my poor brain bashes against the 'why?', like a moth crashing repeatedly against a lighted window.
I mean, if the guy's a bike freak, he's built something that's not a bike.
If he's a trike freak, well, he's built something that's not a trike.
If he's a semi-trailer freak, he's built something that's not a semi,
If he's a big rig freak, ditto, ditto, ditto.
It's like a Thai tuk-tuk on steroids.
Or a toy truck on pink sparkles.
Or the sort of inexplicable artifact that haunts my more problematic dreams. Hold on... is this real? Am I about to wake?