Deltahead, by the way, hail not from some swampy bayou. They inhabit an altogether frostier gumbo, um
Sweden.. Well Sverige has quite a lot of swampy stuff. And moskeeters like alien death-swarms... and elk flies that take a really big bite out of thinskin human-hides. No gaters though. Not that I've ever seen anyway.
Via Ectoplasmosis , via somebody's (-Aaron's Myspace site.
I'm sorry, Aaron, whoever you might be, I did not look at your Myspace for more than about five seconds. It's not you, I just hate Myspace pages with a vengeance. I think I'm too old for them or something.
Everything about them, to me, is just plain nasty, the layout, the format, the tendency toward autoplay music... Don't get me started on Facebook, either. )
But I liked this track...